Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Finding Contentment through Submission

I have to admit I do have feelings of wishing my wife would be more dominant or wishing she would do things certain ways.  But I'm working hard to avoid this kind of topping from the bottom thinking.  I do hope things will improve once our lives get back to some sort of normalcy--whatever that means.  In the meantime, I continue reading and researching as much good information as I can find on the WLM dynamic and how to truly submit to my wife.  If I want to be her slave I have to learn to think like a slave, right?  I have enjoyed reading Subservient-Husband's Blog and the following quote from the comments section on a recent post of his was helpful in reorienting my thinking about this (you can read the original post here):

A D/s relationship is one where the submissive surrenders their rights to the authority of their dominant master/mistress. If the dominant wishes to lead their submissive into a Ken/Barbie existence void of sexual interaction, the submissive should gladly comply as it is their dominent’s wish. If the master/mistress wishes to inflict pain as a means of instilling obedience, the submissive should accept their punishment as service. If the dominant enjoys abject subservience, again it is the submissive’s job to find contentment.

This quote struck a cord with me and reminded me of "my place" if you will.  As a submissive male desiring to surrender and submit to my wife in our marital relationship I must remember I have confided in my wife my desire to do this.  I have in essence surrendered my rights to her authority.  I should, no I must gladly comply to my wife's wishes.  Furthermore, it is my job to find contentment.  This post and the aforementioned comment could not have come to me at a better time.  Just earlier today I caught myself trying to top from the bottom.  But rather than beat myself up about it I am trying to use it as a personal learning experience and an opportunity for me to see just how serious about this I am.  I can only hope things improve when the last of the visitors leaves.  Furthermore, who knows what changes will come about once we are settled into permanent housing--I hope to hear the word on that tomorrow. Regardless of what happens I must take every opportunity to obey and submit to my wife whether or not she ever chooses to fulfill any of my fantasies.  Thankfully, she has chosen to keep my chaste and I can't believe I'm about to be 20 days denied (14 days caged).  I'll comment more about that in a later post.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post... and congrats!
    We're rather new to this all, too. I understand the "topping from bottom" as we are trying to guide our more vanilla wives. But maybe we need separate sessions to discuss this (not normal daily life), to avoid messing with the dynamic?
    Good luck!!
